Snow in the Shire – sort of

The overnight snow had missed us yet again. We have reached March and we have only had two occasions this winter with snow in my part of the Shropshire hills. And even then it could only be described as a dusting. A non-lingering dusting. Not enough to make a snow pea, never mind a snow ball. Or a sledge run.

I feel we really haven’t had winter if we haven’t had at least one good dump of snow.

I was nearly drawn into a conversation with a mood-hoover on twitter today about the ‘dangers’ of snow, that despicable, nasty, dangerous, disruptive stuff….. (his words).

Of course it comes with its challenges. But doesn’t everything in life? Especially the weather.

Do we curse all rain because sometimes it causes floods? Ask a gardener, farmer or grower.

Do we detest all wind because it sometimes destroys things? Ask a traditional miller, a sailing boat or para-gliding pilot.

Do we hate the sun because it can cause heatstroke, skin cancer? Ask anyone.

Of course not. Where we can we take responsibility. We act responsibly. We treat it with respect and adjust our behaviour to the situation.

Sure, snow makes life on the farm a lot harder. Getting round/looking after the animals when everything is covered in the cold wet stuff is tough. Frozen water troughs, not finding stuff as its hidden under the snow…. And living out of the way, on the hill, on a steep minor road has its own challenges when there is snow.

But boy is it pretty in these here hills when it snows. And man do we have fun. The dogs love it. The humans love it. This afternoon we had more than a dusting of snow. How long it will stick around, I’m not sure. But this afternoon we had fun, dogs and humans. Oh, and here is some prettiness from this afternoon too.

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