
Climbing but without the need for ropes and harness.

For indoor bouldering there are several options near us:


  • Our own wall – FREE 🙂

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Great for roped climbing but a bit limited for bouldering with two small walls. Prices (April 2014) are:
£4.10 (Adult BeActive Member) £4.85 (Adult Non Member)
£3.10 (60+ BeActive Member) £3.60 (60+ BeActive Non Member)
£2.05 (Junior BeActive Member) £2.35 (Junior Non Member)

Be Active membership costs £5 for 12 months.

No roped climbing but bouldering HEAVEN, cleverly disguised in a small industrial unit with moonboard and other training aids.

You have to register aDSC05630 (Copy)s a member (£5 as of April 2014) and spectators and guardians pay £2 entry.
Full Member entry £4.50 Under 16 £5.50 16/17 £6.50 18+

So a little more than Shrewsbury but you get a lot more bouldering for your money. They also hire out shoes for just £2.00 which is handy.

They are open 4pm – 9pm weekdays, except Fridays and weekends 1pm to 8pm DSC05634 (Copy)






Haven’t been there but its extensive so check out the information and pictures on their website

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