Brockton and Rowley

Last walked February 2012

There are 5 Brocktons in Shropshire;

  1. Brockton (Worthen)
  2. Brockton (near Kemberton)
  3. Brockton (Longford)
  4. Brockton (Lydbury North)
  5. Brockton (S of Easthope)

There is just one Rowley.

My walking buddies

This nice circular walk taking in woodland paths and open fields goes through Brockton and Worthen. There are a number of stiles, none particularly dog friendly (at least one is a double with no dog gate or gap in/under the fence) and also a couple of bridges. There is some roadwork  but they are quiet lanes. Great views of the Stiperstones, The Callow, Corndon and Llan Fawr. If your dog likes to play in water there are a few great streams to play in, most notably Brockton brook running through woody Beechfield dingle. As some of the terrain is quite sheltered it can be muddy and slippery especially on the downhill slopes. The woods are great for snowdrops early in the year and bluebells and wild garlic later on.

If you start the walk on the Brockton/Worthen side (you can park in the village hall car park), most of the climbing is in the first part of the walk. Once up on Long Mountain you can extend it along the ridge, for instance to Hampton Hayes and take in further woods, recommended during the Bluebell season. The walk mapped below was 5.4 miles.

See map of this walk here.

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4 thoughts on “Brockton and Rowley

  1. Hi, over the weekend my girlfriend and I stayed at the Long Mountain centre in Rowley and decided to take our dog and follow your walk (anti-clockwise) from near Rowley. We found it a really nice walk, especially the, the iron age fort and the dingle woodland along the Brockton Brook. One detour we did make was to pop in the Cock Inn at Brockton to shelter from the storm! Thanks for sharing this lovely walk! Andy

  2. Unfortunately we no longer have a dog but I agree many of the styles are most unfriendly to the elderly/ infirm. Kissing gates are much more suitable for those who have some form of disablement. It would be nice to see changes to gates from styles. The cost would be minimal but open up many more walks. How can we start the change?

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