On the Edge

Last walked March 2012

Wenlock Edge is a limestone ridge some 30 km long between Ironbridge and Craven Arms. It’s mostly covered in woodland, ideal for a spring walk but lovely any time of year. It can be very muddy and I remember doing a 10 mile stretch during the South Shropshire Circular in knee-deep mud one February.  A large part of the trail on this section is a bridle way (the Jack Mytton Way) hence the mud.

For a nice flat 4-5 mile woodland walk, park at the Wolverton Wood Nature Trail car park (479875 on OS sheet 137). You then have two options, either go NE to Eaton or SW towards Strefford. The woods are full of bluebells, wild garlic, primroses, violets.  A little later in the year the bluebells will be spectacular but even in March when I last walked here, after a dry and relatively warm few months a few were already out. Make it a circular walk by moving off the ridge and go through the fields or use the same path for a ‘there and back’ walk. There are a few paths that cross through the wood but as it’s a  relatively narrow strip there is just one main path along the top.

It’s actually quite nice that it is not a thick deep wood as the views on this walk are great. You can see the farmland of Apedale on the one side below the ridge and the rolling hills of Corvedale on the other side. You could veer off and take a look at Flounders Folly, a funny little tower on Callow Hill which can be seen for miles around.

You can see the route on this map and also some pictures from March ’12 below.

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