Seve(r)n bridges and a weir

Nice little (4.6M) stroll along the river Severn in Shrewsbury, mid morning on a Sunday in February 2012. Have known there was a weir in the town for some time but although I have been shopping there quite a few times, I had never seen this weir. Planned to go and see it a few times too but for various reasons so far the weir had been elusive.

Starting from Porthill on the rowing club side of the river this is the walk of many bridges, some quite nice some downright ugly. On a nice sunny day this is a nice walk though, albeit a little more urban and crowded than I’m used to :). Crossing over at Kingsland (toll for cars) bridge, you come to Greyfriars bridge, then the English bridge. Next you go under the huge (wide) Railway bridge and from the Castlefields crossing which is next you can hear the roar of the weir before you see it. The river was high and fast flowing and so the weir did its thing.

After a quick sandwich on a bench it was retracing steps time although as the river loops round the town it would be quite easy to cut across and pick it up on the other side of the town. Came back via the Quarry side of the river, site of the annual Flower Show, music events and family fun on a nice summers day. Some interesting information boards have been placed throughout the Quarry, not sure how many, saw at least three.  After a quick look at the Welsh bridge, crossed over the Porthill (foot) bridge which is going to be painted this year and therefore closed from March and replaced by a 50p foot passenger ferry service till July. One of the display boards mentions a ferry near the boathouse where a large post still remains, wonder how popular this temporary one will be with so many bridges to cross.

Map of riverside bimble.

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